De Parade as Heterotopia
For the third year in a row, De Parade collaborated with bachelor students of Design Academy Eindhoven. Whereas the first two collaborations were mainly about designing concepts and ideas around social themes (consequences of Covid in the cultural sector in 2021 and climate change and sustainability in 2022), this year second-year design students of the bachelor studio Public Private study the Parade as heterotopia*: De Parade as a social 'in-between space' that stands outside reality, and that we find in this reality at the same time.
*Foucault, Michel, Des espaces autres, 1984.
Led by supervising teachers Ester van de Wiel and Joost Adriaanse, twelve design students searched for qualities of our travelling festival. What do we take with us and what do we leave behind? What do we change and what do we keep? Is travelling a form for development, step by step and with an eye for traditions? How do we use our qualities for the future? All the concepts were published in a magazine (see Download) and presented to De Parade at the opening at De Parade Eindhoven on 23 June 2023.

Students showing their project pages in the magazine.