Britney Leijen Heeneman

Posted On 16/09/2022
Interview by Pete Ho Ching Fung
As the newest concierge*, Britney accounts her first two years at DAE, the surprises, the challenges.
→  What is your role at DAE?
I am the concierge and my nickname is the lady concierge because I am the only lady in the team. I take care of the building and the people here. I make sure the lights turn on, the water is running, and that there is coffee here in the morning. Sometimes people are surprised that there is a female concierge. This morning, an external person came in and asked where he could find the concierge. I told him I am the concierge and he looked stunned.
→  What have lead you to DAE?
Back in 2020, I studied facility management. I was just 20 at the time and no one wanted me for a management position. I decided to take my education and apply it to something so that I can gain some relevant experience. I hope in three years time I will have learnt enough to do what I actually studied for.
When I did my internship at Fontys, I really enjoyed the school vibe, even though I did not want to be a student anymore. So when I saw this opening at DAE, I decided to apply immediately and I work here full time now.
→  When you first started at DAE, what are some of the surprises?
It was mind blowing. When you visit a “normal” school, it is very different. It was a cultural shock for me at the beginning. The way the students here think, the way they act, the way they dress, it is a whole new world for me. I really liked it and to experience the difference from a normal high school or a normal university. You do not even have to walk too far, it is a different world just across the building at Fontys. Each morning going up in the elevator, you can really guess who will be turning left or who will be turning right.
It is also great to be in a creative environment. Students make so many things here, and so quickly. I remember one time where I saw human sculptures made out of silicone and a dragon chair lamp. Everything pops up in the last two weeks before finals. There is always a big differences from what you see in midterms to what you see in finals.
→  De Witte Dame is almost a century old and at the same time, it is essentially an open structure; how do you feel working in such a historical yet flexible site?
I am not sentimental towards old buildings. It is cool ofcourse but I don’t think of it as the old Philips building all the time. That being said, there are challenges with a building like this. There are structural things we use today that were left here from the factory days like the electric wiring, the lack of floor plans etc. I would say, it is a beautiful building though.
“if you are nice to me, I am nice to you. If you are a bitch to me, I will be a bitch to you”
→  Sharing a building together also means caring and respecting for the needs and desires of all inhabitants, how do you facilitate that?
I am trying to do my best. At the beginning of the year, the school asked me to do a pitch to the students. I told the students quite simply, “if you are nice to me, I am nice to you. If you are a bitch to me, I will be a bitch to you”. If you come to me and ask me nicely where can you get a coffee, I will gladly bring you one. But if you come yelling, you are not getting anywhere. I am the person with the magic keys, but I don't want to think that I have all the power. It is about working together.
“You can come to me for anything [...] if you need a hug because you are having a hard day, I am also here for you..”
→  Where can students find you? And what can/should they find you for?
You can come to me for anything. If you need a bandage because you cut yourself, I am there for you. If you need a power cable, I am there for you. Or if you need a hug because you are having a hard day, I am also here for you. I am always open for conversations as well, to clear your mind with someone who is not from design. If you need something in your design project, or want to see if something is possible within the building, we can always work something out. I would much prefer you come to me in the earlier stages for these logical matter rather than two minutes before your finals. Even if something is not possible within the building, we might be able find other solutions elsewhere for you.
In terms of where you can find me, I am usually everywhere if I am not in the concierge office. If you can't find me, you can always go to the reception desk and they can call me from there.
*At the time of this publication, Britney has transitioned into her new role at the student administration desk (three days a week) as well as assisting facility (one day a week). She adds, however, the offer of “hugs if you are having a hard day” is still valid.